Hi! My name is Ivan Esparza

  • I’m an Android Developer.

  • I currently work at Twitter.

  • I worked on cool stuff like:

    • Classpass: An app that allows you to take fitness classes in your local gyms without being a member

    • Nutrait: An app that provides you with a huge recipe database and allows you to cook along with your friends in a video conference

    • Aeries Portal: The app that many students and parents use to check student information like grades and attendance.

  • I studied Mechatronics Engineering at Tec de Monterrey.

  • I love cooking, baking, reading, videogames, playing the guitar, my wife, and my pets.

  • I’m a staff member in Devz Community (join our Slack group!)

  • You can find me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Github.