Here’s a summary of my experience




December 2020 - Present
San Francisco, CA

As part of the Tweets Foundation team, my mission is to improve the development experience and velocity for Android developers working with Tweet-related surfaces. Some achievements that I'm proud of are:
Reduced build time as much as 90% for Android Tweet developers by creating a sandbox app that provides the minimum environment to validate changes in Tweet surfaces.
Enabled integration of Tweets surfaces into other surfaces in the app by extracting the source code into its own module.




August 2019 - September 2020

I had the opportunity to work on many of Morsum’s android apps. The main two I worked on were a point of sale app and a video conferencing app.

Kiosk (PoS)

Retailers and restaurants used the Kiosk app as a Point of Sale. It was developed to be used in Elo PoS devices. A big part of the development work for Kiosk had to do with peripherals: ticket printer, barcode scanner, credit card reader, and cash register.

The challenge of working with the Kiosk app was that I didn’t have the hardware I was developing for most of my time, so I relied a lot on logging services and close communication with my teammates in NYC.

Nutrait (Video conference)

We started developing Nutrait as a way to connect to friends and family during the COVID-19 pandemic. Users could start a video conference where they follow the same recipe and then eat their prepared meals.

The challenge with Nutrait was working with video conferencing and being more involved in the product feature development, working directly with product and management to set realistic timelines and objectives.




April 2019 - August 2019

At ClassPass, I was part of the Mobile Guild. My job was to improve the developing experience for the Android team. Most of my work had to do with Testing and CI/CD.

The app was written in React Native mixed with some native code for each platform. This allowed me to contribute not only to the Android codebase but also to iOS and React Native.

An achievement I feel proud of is that I managed to reduce testing times in the Android CI pipeline by half by optimizing the way tests are retried when they failed.



July 2016 - December 2018

Most of my work in Aeries was developing the Aeries Mobile Portal app for Android. This project allowed me to explore third-party libraries like Dagger, Retrofit, Picasso, the MVP architecture, and Firebase, among other common tools for Android developers.

One of the biggest challenges I faced during this project was working remotely with the rest of the team. This allowed me to improve my communication skills and learn to work with a remote team.

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